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What do your Shoes say about you?

As I typed out the Ruby Shoo blog last month, it really got me thinking just how much our shoes can really change our mood. Popping on those heels made me feel glamorous, kinda sexy and even a little bit more powerful!! Hey all I was doing was walking through a supermarket, and I felt gooooood!!!.

"Give a girl the right shoes, and she can conquer the world"

Marilyn Monroe

Ok, so I conquered the supermarket!

But really what does the outside world think of our shoe of choice?

According to one fashion expert Kathy Kelada Author of “Be the Shoe” and Holly wood stylist , our go to shoes say a lot more about us than you may think. Continue below for a light-hearted view on what your Ruby Shoo shoe of choice might be saying about you………

The Heel Wearer

You’re a total “girl boss” and you know it. You’re competitive, resolute, and intimidating to those who can’t keep up with your pace. “This is the most mature of all the shoes,” reveals Kelada. “It’s someone who’s caring, efficient, and powerful. They are usually in a leadership role. When everything is falling down around you, everyone will turn to the pump woman and say ‘What now?’ and then the pump will step in and kick ass and take care of business.” We all need a pump woman to ensure a job gets done properly.


The Flat Wearer

Behind the scenes leader. If you’re someone who always turns to flats, we know that you work your butt off behind the scenes to ensure there’s always a perfectly finished product. And the best part is, you’re so humble that you don’t require any attention or recognition for your efforts. “The flat-wearer is focused, very modest, and generous,” says Kelada. “They’re often the women doing all the work in the world. They’re the ones behind the scenes making the engine run.”


The Trainer Wearer

Are you someone who relates to people much younger than you, yet also feels comfortable conversing with someone much older? Sometimes you’re an old soul, and sometimes you’re the life of the party. For sneaker buffs, age truly is but a number, because you get along with everyone. “The sneaker is very versatile—a very open person willing to explore a lot of options and different ideas. They’re energetic and ageless; they’re really not young or old. They seem to move fluidly through age-specific groups,” according to Kelada.


Is it just me or could you totally find yourself in a few of those?? I know I’m not the completely unshakable Loafer wearer that’s for sure, but maybe if I try it out for a day or two, I wonder if I could convince myself? I guess, who do you want to be today? Dress for the woman you want to be, go kick some ass and put on those heels. I’m off to pop on my Suzie Trainers to be energetic and ageless, while I mingle with the oldies at Step Father’s Garden Birthday Party! Hopefully he never reads this……ssshhh!

Ok, so I just totally made up the Slipper lover, but oooh how we’ve loved our slippers (thinking emoji face)!!

Who did you choose to be today? Share your pictures with us over on Instagram #Rubyshoo We’d love to see.

Lots of Love, Emma

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